OceanEnergy Team
Contact Us
John McCarthy
Chief Executive Officer, OceanEnergy
CEO and co-founder of OE, John previously worked with South Western Services which became Ireland’s largest wind generation company. He has also been involved in some of Ireland’s largest development projects.

Prof. Tony Lewis
Chief Technical Officer, OceanEnergy
Tony has over 40 years work experience in the ocean energy sector. Tony has been involved the development of the OE Buoy for over 10 years and is a recognized global expert on Marine Renewables.

Andrew Smith
Investment Advisor, OceanEnergy
Andrew is the former Head of the Scottish Investment Bank Renewable Energy Investment Fund (REIF) and former Head of Investment for DP Energy. Andrew’s experience was central to the FID for the MeyGen 6MW tidal array in Scotland. Andrew now advises OE on its commercialisation plan and investments.

Dr. Sean Barrett
Project Engineer, OceanEnergy
Sean has a broad experience portfolio in the wave energy sector having worked in UCC, OceanLinx and Black & Veatch. Sean is supporting Ocean Energy in the delivery of the OE35 Buoy prototype project at WETS.

Niall O’Muilleoir
Director, OceanEnergy USA LLC
A director of our US company, Niall is a strategic communications consultant to many Fortune 100 executive leaders, over the past 14 years living in Los Angeles, California. He also has deep Irish and EU experience from a long career in public policy and politics prior to relocating to the US.